Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Earth Friendly Baby Review

This one is for all the mama's out there. Since Ollie was born 13 months ago I have been searching for a suitable shampoo and skincare range to use on his delicate skin. With newborns, their skin is so sensitive and fragile that it is recommended to use purely natural products for cleaning baby. For the first few weeks I was using pure water and cotton wool on his bottom and Olive oil as a moisturiser and for nappy rash, as recommended by my midwife. However this wasn't very practical for me long term and I found certain baby skincare ranges and products too harsh for Ollie. 

If you have ever gone to use a baby wipe to remove your make up you can feel how harsh they are on your skin. They leave my face bright red. I once went to wipe Ollie's breakfast mess off the kitchen wall and it stripped the paint clean off the wall! It got me thinking as to what was actually in the products I was using on my baby.

So I was on the hunt for a nice, gentle baby skincare range. I usually bath him in the evenings as part of his bedtime routine and love the smell of lavender which helps him get into sleepy mode. I have tried many and finally I feel that my quest has come to end! 

And enter, Earth Friendly Baby Shampoo and Bodywash.

This is my absolute favorite to use at bath-time. I use the lavender scented wash but it is also available in Soothing Chamomile or Happy Mandarin. It foams up brilliantly, can be used to wash top-to-toe, and the tiniest squirt goes a long way. The product uses natural botanicals and organic lavender. 

They are also free from:

  • SlS(Sodium- Laureth Sulfate) and Parabens which are common skin irritants.
  • Artificial fragrances or colourings
  • No animal testing
and it gets the seal of approval from Vegan societies! It is suitable for the most sensitive of baby (and grown ups) skin. If you suffer from eczema or dry itchy skin I would definitely recommend trying this out.  I will be definitely be keeping an eye out for more from this range next time I'm in the supermarket.

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